Funeral and Sickness

Went to the “funeral” of a dear elderly calligraphy classmate on Monday morning. We were classmates for 3 or 4 years before he stopped going to class prior to the pandemic due to deteriorating health and family matters. I still made an effort to visit him a couple of times during the pandemic and the […]

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44th Birthday

Took a day off on Mon to give myself the gift of time to do whatever I want for my 44th bday. I finally took the time to organize and display my growing series of critically endangered animal caricature paintings in my private living-room gallery. I’m not particularly fond of celebrating bdays, but I’m courteous […]

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I finally tested positive for COVID today since the pandemic broke out in late 2019. Symptoms are mild – occasional coughs and chills. The symptoms actually started emerging after I did my evening run last Wed. Didn’t sleep very well that night and felt especially sore the next morning. I thought it was just caused […]

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A Good Week

The past week was probably the best week I had since returning to this city in mid-Sept. Took a day off on Wed. to visit the M+ Museum for the first time with a friend. Felt like a tourist in this city that seems to be getting more and more unfamiliar to me. Met and […]

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Started meeting and catching up with friends after returning to HK and completing the useless 10 days of COVID testing required by the government. I thought most of the people who planned to leave this deteriorating city already left by the time the summer was over, but I was wrong. A friend already left for […]

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Fourth Week

It has been nearly a month since I started this Canadian trip. I have been resting a lot, seeing and catching up with many friends, and soaking up as much Canadian goodness as I possibly could. My trip originally ends today, but I managed to extend my return flight to Aug. 1. There was nothing […]

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First Week

It has been slightly over a week since I started my month-long vacation. Have been meeting and catching up with friends almost daily since I returned to Toronto, nice to see everyone happy and well. I’m grateful for friends who have been leaving messages and welcoming me back as soon as I set foot on […]

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A New Chapter?

The city had appointed its new CE on Mother’s Day, a foreseeable authoritarian chapter will officially begin on July 1st. It’s sad to witness the once free and creative city deteriorate and people emigrating and separated from their families. Life goes on… My weekly calligraphy class had finally resumed since the 5th pandemic wave began […]

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What To Do?

Spent a couple of days this past week to finish up a 3D-printed robot arm toy for my good friend’s dad. It can now be controlled by my iPad via Bluetooth, pretty cool! My uncle’s plan to lure me back into doing more engineering work seemed to have worked and I’m now a bit hooked […]

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Sabbatical Ended

The opening of the embattled and postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympics also marked the end of my self-conducted (half) Sabbatical. Thought about continuing the rather fruitful Sabbatical till the end of year, but it felt like the right time now to finally get myself out of this marathon pandemic rut and get serious with my life. […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio