Website Update

Started working from home this week due to the worsening 5th pandemic wave. I’m not too worried about infection because I just had my booster jab a few weeks ago, shouldn’t be life-threatening even if I unfortunately become infected. Nonetheless, it’s probably still better to stay home to lower my chance of needing to line […]

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Teaching Chinese Calligraphy

Had the opportunity to teach for the first time a beginner’s Chinese calligraphy class at a secondary school on Wednesday. I was very anxious yet excited. The students seemed a bit too energetic to handle at times but the teacher said they were actually better behaved than during regular class. Finally met the teacher who […]

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What To Do?

Spent a couple of days this past week to finish up a 3D-printed robot arm toy for my good friend’s dad. It can now be controlled by my iPad via Bluetooth, pretty cool! My uncle’s plan to lure me back into doing more engineering work seemed to have worked and I’m now a bit hooked […]

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What To Do? (2)

Early past week an organization called Wall-Fare (石牆花), which was established 9 months ago to help the pro-democracy detainees/prisoners, officially disbanded under political pressure. I was down for a couple of days. Under the imposed national security law, many pro-democracy members were detained/imprisoned for months (even year) without given public trial. With the disbandment of […]

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What To Do?

Work seems to be picking up after my (half) Sabbatical and studio cleanup, made a new batch of business cards before meeting up a couple of potential collaborators in the past week. In our conversations, I did not hide my plans of possibly moving the business to Canada in the near future as I had […]

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Social Week

Have had an unusually social week during these social-distancing times. On Thursday, I even met up with 2 separate friends and had 3 total hours of phone conversations on 2 separate calls, ended up not setting foot in the studio the whole day! I purposely scheduled all the meetups this week because I wanna hear […]

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Met and caught up with my UW friends last night, this is officially my first social meetup since the pandemic broke out in Jan.! Haven’t really been socializing for so long, I felt especially happy seeing and chatting with everyone. Thanks to COVID-19, I now realize how important it is to have friends to share […]

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A Good Week

The past week was a good week, a rarity in recent months. Early on Monday, many Hongkongers woke up to the uplifting news about the big win of the pro-democracy camp in the district council election. I found out that my district is actually one of the most pro-Beijing districts and the candidate I voted […]

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Let Your Life Speak

Finished reading the little book Let Your Life Speak. Don’t remember where I came across that book and noted it down on my reading list. I probably was just captivated by the title. Can’t say that I liked the book, but there’s something intriguing in it that got me thinking. The author says that even […]

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Creative Monday

Spent the evening on this Creative Monday relearning how to do portraiture, but instead of using conté, I tried using brush pens and without initial pencil drafts.  Skimmed through the old life-drawing textbook and tried drawing the many facial features on it.  I was able to sketch them out much quicker, more precise, and the result looked even more life like! […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio