
Besides joining a short Chinese book-binding workshop on Friday evening, I had kept myself busy this past week designing a small letterpress kit. I thought of an ingenious way of doing the traditional movable type. Should be able complete a functional prototype for friends to test in coming weeks! The deadline I set for myself […]

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Mid-Q3… Progressing

It had been a pretty busy week. Started an evening workshop on Tue to learn about making independent illustrated zines. I’m tinkering on the idea of making a small story book for KOKB. Two more lessons to go, will see whether my inkling will provide enough fuel for me to actually do the story book […]

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Deep Work

After the government finally abandoned the useless vaccine pass restrictions near the end of 2022, I began using the public library system again. Just when I was in the process of making new year resolutions and planning my work for the new year, I borrowed and read a very useful book that was added to […]

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Goodbye 2020

New Year came on Friday, but the atmosphere during the long weekend was the least festive I’ve ever experienced. The world seems more glad to see 2020 pass than hopeful to welcome 2021. I spent the long weekend wrapping up a couple of projects in the studio. Reviewing 2020, there wasn’t much accomplishments to speak […]

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The 4th wave continues to ravish our city, averaging about 100 cases daily and cases of suspected residential buildings contamination. New tightening measures include no dine-in after 6pm, compulsory covid19 testing, designated quarantine hotels for travelers, etc. Equally, if not worse, devastating is the increasing persecution of pro-democracy people in our city. The media tycoon […]

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1/2 Work From Home (Week 2)

Continued my alternate days of working from home this week. Continued indulging in ink art while at home. One of the books on ink art I borrowed from the library earlier turned out to be really good and got me interested in pen and ink art again. Work wise, I got excited when contacted for […]

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1/2 Work From Home

The week started off with the sudden crazy rampage of Appledaily by hundreds of police, a complete disregard of the freedom of press. I remember asking my sister in HK awhile back if she’ll consider moving back to Canada, she didn’t like the idea, but said it might be inevitable if Appledaily dies. I didn’t […]

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Another Tiring Week

Our city is going though another Sunday night of violent protests as I’m writing this post. I’m seriously tired and have been even more quiet than usual this week. Mon – Met up with my calligraphy classmates to visit a newly opened baking studio. It was found and run by one of my classmates goddaughter. […]

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2018 Review

My resting heart rate continued to drop from 67 bpm to my normal 60 bpm in the past week, so I ended 2018 and starting 2019 with a healthy body. Before planning for the new year, here are some highlights of 2018 off the top of my head: completed my first full marathon completed my […]

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Life and Death

Just finished reading a short book Morrie: In His Own Words. Was constantly thinking about my 90-yr-old classmate from my Tuesdays-with-Morrie-like calligraphy class. He’s good and well and I still feel blessed to seeing him at class every Tuesday morning. But over the ~2.5 years since I started learning calligraphy, I’ve been witnessing his hearing […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio