Plan Postponed

Today is a “sensitive day” according to the local government officials. It’s sad to witness the city deteriorate to a point where people are afraid of merely saying the two numerical digits “64” and commemorating publicly what happened on this day 35 years ago. It feels suffocating to live in a city where we’re constantly […]

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Funeral and Sickness

Went to the “funeral” of a dear elderly calligraphy classmate on Monday morning. We were classmates for 3 or 4 years before he stopped going to class prior to the pandemic due to deteriorating health and family matters. I still made an effort to visit him a couple of times during the pandemic and the […]

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Another Tiring Week

I was hoping to start the week fresh with the worst of the studio’s sprinkler disaster put behind me, but the incident was actually more difficult to handle than I thought. When I returned to the studio on Monday, my colleague told me that one of the younger neighboring landlord barged in earlier yelling and […]

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Tiring Week

Missed my weekly journal entry last week because I was super exhausted after a fai-chun writing event in Tai Po last Sunday. Apparently, that was just a prelude to a crazy week filled with meetups and bad news. It started from Monday early afternoon when I had a meet up with a couple of friends […]

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Time Flies

Seems like yesterday when I just arrived Toronto for this Q4 break. In fact, I’ve arrived here a full month already, that’s one third of this self-directed “co-op” term. So far I had completed a marathon and a personal calligraphy website project. Looked briefly into casual/part-time jobs, that made me more determined to start a […]

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Another Packed Week

The past week was a packed but not as tiring week. Mon – a fellowship brother visited the studio after work because he needed some graphic design assistance for his upcoming wedding in Feb. The discussion was brief, but we had dinner together nearby and had a long chat on church, fellowship, and many personal […]

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A Time For Sorrow

There’s a time for joy and a time for sorrow. Following a happy reunion with my UW gang and coffee with the girl-I-like after more than a year of pandemic craziness, news of sickness and death started coming in from people around me. First, my colleague told me her husband’s intestinal cancer had metastasized into […]

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Commemorative Week

Didn’t pick up my social activities as planned this past week. Was also hoping to pick up my regular jogging habit again, but the week had been mostly gloomy with scattered showers, will try again his week. The past week had been filled with news regarding the 32nd candlelight vigil commemorating the Tiananmen Square Massacre. […]

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8964 Candlelight Vigil

Tagged along my highschool friends to the June 4th’s Tiananmen Massacre candlelight vigil at Victoria Park this year. This is officially my first time because the last time I joined was a few years back and the vigil ended early due to pouring rain. That time I got lost in the rain and crowd and […]

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Life and Death

Just finished reading a short book Morrie: In His Own Words. Was constantly thinking about my 90-yr-old classmate from my Tuesdays-with-Morrie-like calligraphy class. He’s good and well and I still feel blessed to seeing him at class every Tuesday morning. But over the ~2.5 years since I started learning calligraphy, I’ve been witnessing his hearing […]

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  • OCT
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio