End of Q2

Finished the 4th and last class of the paper-making course on Monday. I can now resume my regular routines on Mondays. I started going to work at the studio early in the morning because I desperately needed AC during the day in this extremely hot weather. Started the long process of cleaning up the messy […]

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Back to Work

Returned to work on Wed. after a much needed LNY holiday to rest. Slept a lot during the holidays and managed to complete drawing all 100 postcard fai-chuns for the year of the 🐉. Mailed out most of them to my friends in Canada. Saw my fai-chuns displayed at a few small shops near the […]

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Craziness Before Q4 Break

Skipped my weekly journal entry last week because I was overwhelmed by things that I needed to finish up before my early flight on Wed morning. At the studio, I managed to finish fixing a cable-stayed bridge model, groomed the countless cacti and succulents, and completed a last minute request from a client to have […]

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After making good progress last week on my Q2 goals, this week was met with many hiccups. Even with many morning efforts, my weekly calligraphy goals was still 12 short of my weekly 100 characters goal. Studio work was met with some unknown 3DP hiccups which I’ll need to troubleshoot this coming week. Running practice […]

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🌏 Weekend

It was Earth Day on Friday, I seized the opportunity to do some gardening and pampered the many succulents in the studio. Earth Day became Earth Weekend. On Sat., after having dim sum lunch with my family (my first dine-in since the 5th pandemic wave), I went home and cleaned up my little green corner. […]

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Glimpse of Light

After a full week of gloomy weather, the sun started sneaking out again this week. The hardy white orchid I bought from a CNY market many years back seemed to notice the sun and bloomed beautifully in the light. Received a gift for helping a good family friend’s wedding back in Nov/Dec. Was hoping to […]

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Back to (Passive) Social…

The past week had been an unusually social one since the third wave of the pandemic hit us in early July – had dinner with a few fellowship brothers on Tue, a friend’s brief studio visit and mom’s and sister’s bday dinner on Thu, and met a friend’s friend on Sat to introduce her to […]

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Sketching at Richmond Green

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Sketch… Sunday Service

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JF Hike

The annoying hot summer weather in HK seems to be finally fading, and the typhoon and associated rain did not hit as forecasted, perfect weather for our fellowship to kickoff the first hike of the year!  It’s really refreshing to be immersed in nature and away from the urban concrete jungle once in a while. HK […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio