4X-th Birthday

It was my 4X-th birthday last Wednesday. I took a day off from work. Declined to celebrate with my parents, and I didn’t wanna ask friends out either. I decided to spend the day doing what I enjoy doing – Art! I revived an IG account dedicated to my ink art and started a new […]

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Procrastinating (still)

Made considerable progress on my mini letterpress prototype, will need a week or more to finish the prototype for friends to test. Just sparked up a few cool ideas recently about products that I can potentially collaborate with friends even after I move back to Canada, will do some prototypes and discuss with friends in […]

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Besides joining a short Chinese book-binding workshop on Friday evening, I had kept myself busy this past week designing a small letterpress kit. I thought of an ingenious way of doing the traditional movable type. Should be able complete a functional prototype for friends to test in coming weeks! The deadline I set for myself […]

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2 Months

Returned to HK for 2 months already. So many things have happened, mostly bad and immediate things that needed my attention but were beyond my control. After the sprinkler disaster at the studio just before LNY, we scheduled the contractor to replace all sprinkler heads on Wednesday. I felt a little relief immediately after the […]

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Funeral and Sickness

Went to the “funeral” of a dear elderly calligraphy classmate on Monday morning. We were classmates for 3 or 4 years before he stopped going to class prior to the pandemic due to deteriorating health and family matters. I still made an effort to visit him a couple of times during the pandemic and the […]

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Another Tiring Week

I was hoping to start the week fresh with the worst of the studio’s sprinkler disaster put behind me, but the incident was actually more difficult to handle than I thought. When I returned to the studio on Monday, my colleague told me that one of the younger neighboring landlord barged in earlier yelling and […]

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Tiring Week

Missed my weekly journal entry last week because I was super exhausted after a fai-chun writing event in Tai Po last Sunday. Apparently, that was just a prelude to a crazy week filled with meetups and bad news. It started from Monday early afternoon when I had a meet up with a couple of friends […]

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Last 2 Weeks

The last two weeks in Toronto was a bit hectic as expected. I rushed to finish up prototyping and delivering them to friends for testing. There were also some last minute meetups to see friends before I go. On top of all that, I needed to allocate time to cleanup the basement I rented back […]

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It was another week of prototyping on weekdays and gatherings on weekend. Joined my friend’s fellowship Christmas party on Friday evening, around 100 b&s attended, felt a bit overwhelmed. Had a gathering with uni friends on Sat. afternoon. I started giving out some of the geometric STEAM kit prototypes to friends’ kids to test them […]

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One Month Left

Been back to Canada for 2 months, now left with just 1 month before returning to HK. In the past week or so, I had been experimenting with a few materials (bamboo skewers, straws, etc.) to prototype some products I had been dreaming up for a long time. Found the perfect sustainable material for my […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio