
Went back to my parents’ place for dinner on Tuesday because it was Mid-Autumn and I hoped they wouldn’t feel too lonely on the festive day. My parents were arguing over little things throughout dinner. The argument didn’t stop as they drove me home after dinner. I felt miserable seeing my parents bickering like that. […]

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Picking Up Pace

Picked up my pace in clearing out my apt. Finally moved all the acrylic paintings I’ve done at home to the studio. My colleague and studio visitors seemed to love the cute colorful series that is quite different than my usual brush-and-ink style. Besides paintings, I also organized my clothings and had 3 bags of […]

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Cleanup Started

Helped my friend move his new giant 3D printer up into his workshop on Wednesday. It required the effort of 5 ppl (including 1 stranger) to move it up a ramp. It was my first time visiting the spacious workshop my friend started renting earlier this year together with an artist friend and another company. […]

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4X-th Birthday

It was my 4X-th birthday last Wednesday. I took a day off from work. Declined to celebrate with my parents, and I didn’t wanna ask friends out either. I decided to spend the day doing what I enjoy doing – Art! I revived an IG account dedicated to my ink art and started a new […]

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Mid-Q3… Progressing

It had been a pretty busy week. Started an evening workshop on Tue to learn about making independent illustrated zines. I’m tinkering on the idea of making a small story book for KOKB. Two more lessons to go, will see whether my inkling will provide enough fuel for me to actually do the story book […]

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Hot, Busy, and Active Week

The hot weather warning seemed to be hoisted day and night nonstop for the entire week this past week. Read a news snippet about a pro-democracy member who’s still under detention (no air-con) and felt too drained to even pick up a pen to write letters. I empathize with the many ppl who are persecuted […]

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Busy Week

It had been a busy week. Mon and Tue was spent mostly with my parents to renew IDs and accompany my mom to see her doctor. Squeezed in some adhoc time to work from home. The weekly seal carving class ended last week, but I found time to finish off a “masterpiece” that I started […]

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After 5 weekly classes, I said good bye to my seal carving teacher and classmate on Thur night. Though I probably wouldn’t recommend the instructor to others, I did learn from him what’s needed to carve my own seals for a recent project. During my calligraphy class that afternoon, my teacher said he’ll hand down […]

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KOKB Launched!

Ran the last mile and felt relieved after finally launching a website I had been working on since LNY holidays. The site is far from perfect, sometimes it doesn’t even load at all, but it’s a WIP and should be good enough at this stage. The site can be found here: KOKB.site The web project […]

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New Year Holidays

The New Year holiday was rather dull and quiet. Went to get my fourth vaccination shot on Friday (30th) around noon. Afterwards, I went back to the studio to do some work before joining my annual high school friends gathering in the evening. The bivalent vaccine shot had familiar side effects as previous shots and […]

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  • OCT
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio