Funeral and Sickness

Went to the “funeral” of a dear elderly calligraphy classmate on Monday morning. We were classmates for 3 or 4 years before he stopped going to class prior to the pandemic due to deteriorating health and family matters. I still made an effort to visit him a couple of times during the pandemic and the […]

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Another Tiring Week

I was hoping to start the week fresh with the worst of the studio’s sprinkler disaster put behind me, but the incident was actually more difficult to handle than I thought. When I returned to the studio on Monday, my colleague told me that one of the younger neighboring landlord barged in earlier yelling and […]

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“Single“ Again!

Though more or less expected, I was especially ecstatic yesterday morning when a single line on my rapid test reassured my recovery from COVID! I immediately told my fellowship caring group to let me join the scheduled dinner meetup! Stayed home the entire week without stepping outside. Took the opportunity to put in some finishing […]

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I finally tested positive for COVID today since the pandemic broke out in late 2019. Symptoms are mild – occasional coughs and chills. The symptoms actually started emerging after I did my evening run last Wed. Didn’t sleep very well that night and felt especially sore the next morning. I thought it was just caused […]

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Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival this year coincided with China’s National Day. With political conflicts piling up and unresolved and a pandemic easing but never seems to cease, the atmosphere this year seemed worst for the 10 years since I returned to HK. There was no celebration to speak of other than eating a moon cake for […]

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3rd Wave Hitting Hard

Our city is finally feeling the blow of the COVID-19 pandemic with this 3rd wave spreading like wildfire in the community. The daily number of people infected constantly rises to a record high of slightly over a hundred today. Our stupid government decided to restrict restaurants to serve takeouts only from 6pm-5am as though the […]

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Art for Earth

Took a week-long creative detour to participate in WWF’s Art for Earth campaign. It was the week of Earth Day 50th Anniversary, the campaign encourages artists to create and share a piece of art daily based on each day’s prompt. I took the opportunity to continue my weekly cartooning Inktober52 story. It’s a lot more […]

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Isolation Continues

The COVID-19 has become a global pandemic, whether WHO has the guts to announce it or not! There is seriously no denying of it as it has caused serious local community outbreaks in South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, etc. Life under isolation feels a bit suffocating. Admittedly, I’m not too social to begin with, but […]

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Isolation Under COVID-19

Second week attending Sunday Service remotely from home. Under the COVID-19 epidemic, fellowship, calligraphy class and all social activities has come to a complete halt, feeling rather isolated even though I was never quite a social animal. Only left home for work twice this week. My colleague gave me red pockets and that made me […]

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2019-nCov Took Root

The novel coronavirus is no longer a threat, it has taken root in our city thanks to our CE’s stubbornness in not closing the Mainland borders. A tenth of our city’s medical staff went on strike but that didn’t perturb our arrogant CE’s decision. Facing the incoming virus from Mainland, our first line of protection […]

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  • OCT
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio