
Current Reading…

Our Daily Bread (Jan – Mar 2021)

 Books I Liked

  • Tuesday with Morrie – Mitch Albom
  • The Last Lecture – Randy Pausch with Jeffery Zaslow
  • Steve Jobs – Walter Isaacson
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
  • Cradle to Cradle – William McDonough & Michael Braungart
  • Zero to One – Peter Thiel
  • David & Goliath – Malcolm Gladwell
  • The Tipping Point  – Malcolm Gladwell
  • The Business of Sharing – Alex Stephany
  • 向左走‧向右走 – 幾米
  • 月亮忘記了 – 幾米
  • 地下鐵 – 幾米
  • 小蝴蝶小披風 – 幾米
  • 幾米故事的開始 – 幾米
  • 星空 – 幾米
  • 時光電影院 – 幾米
  • Have a Little Faith – Mitch Albom
  • Where Is God When It Hurts – Philip Yancey
  • 擁抱 – 幾米
  • 別搞錯信仰 – 蔡頌輝
  • 給人生引引路 – 蔡頌輝
  • Rosie Revere, Engineer – Andrea Beaty, David Roberts
  • Iggy Peck, Architect – Andrea Beaty, David Roberts
  • Ada Twist, Scientist – Andrea Beaty, David Roberts
  • Steal Like An Artist – Austin Kleon (20180306)
  • How Google Works – Eric Schnidt & Jonathan Rosenberg (20180414)
  • Sad Animal Facts – Brooke Barker (20180423)
  • Understanding Comics – Scott McCloud (20180425)
  • The Art Book – Phaidon Press Limited (20180428)
  • Making Comics – Scott McCloud (20180513)
  • The Story of Art – E. H. Gombrich (20180522)
  • What Do You Do With An Idea? – Kobi Yamada & Mae Besom (20180526)
  • 忽遠忽近 – 幾米 (20180529)
  • Where The Wild Things Are – Maurice Sendak (20180606)
  • What Do You Do With A Problem? – Kobi Yamada & Mae Besom (20180611)
  • Einstein – Walter Isaacson (20180622)
  • The Little Prince – Antoine De Saint-Exupery (20180704)
  • Leonardo Da Vinci – Walter Isaacson (20180913)
  • When God Whispers Your Name – Max Lucado (20180926)
  • Bird by Bird – Anne Lamott (20181003)
  • The Time Keeper – Mitch Albom (20181007)
  • Morrie: In His Own Words – Morrie Schwartz (20181021)
  • For One More Day – Mitch Albom (20181101)
  • The Daily Walk Bible NIV – Anonymous (20190101)
  • The Reason for God – Timothy Keller (20190106)
  • Fabricated – Hod Lipson & Melba Kurman (20190123)
  • 不愛讀書不是你的錯 – 幾米 (20190131)
  • 給爸爸説再見 – Cuson (201903)
  • #struggles – Craig Groeschel (20190630)
  • 我的港女老婆 – Cuson (20190804)
  • 我的港女老婆2 – Cuson (201908)
  • 我的港女老婆3 – Cuson (201908)
  • 毒男手記 – Cuson (201908)
  • Mary & Paul – 馮振超, Cuson (201908)
  • Wait, What? – James E. Ryan (201908)
  • 我的港女老婆4 – Cuson (201909)
  • 港女老婆前傳 – Cuson (201909)
  • 我的港女老婆5 – Cuson (20191003)
  • 我的港女老婆6 – Cuson (201910)
  • 我的港女老婆7 – Cuson (201910)
  • 港女老婆外傳 – Cuson (201910)
  • 我係貓奴 – Cuson (201910)
  • Mary & Paul 2 – 馮振超, Cuson (201910)
  • 怪叔叔耆遇記 – Cuson (201912)
  • 我的港女老婆11 – Cuson (201912)
  • 4張幾單身手記 – Cuson (201912)
  • Pen & Ink Drawing – Alphonso Dunn (202008)

 Books Read

  1. The Long Tail – Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More – Chris Anderson
  2. Prosperity without Growth: Economies of a Finite Planet – Tim Jackson
  3. The Lean Startup – Eric Ries
  4. Steve Jobs – Walter Isaacson
  5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
  6. Cradle to Cradle – William McDonough & Michael Braungart
  7. The Upcycle – William McDonough & Michael Braungart
  8. Zero to One – Peter Thiel
  9. David & Goliath – Malcolm Gladwell
  10. Why Men Don’t Listen & Women Can’t Read Maps – Allan & Barbara Pease
  11. The Tipping Point  – Malcolm Gladwell
  12. The Business of Sharing – Alex Stephany
  13. 森林裡的秘密 – 幾米
  14. 微笑的魚 – 幾米
  15. 向左走‧向右走 – 幾米
  16. 聽幾米唱歌 – 幾米
  17. 月亮忘記了 – 幾米
  18. 森林唱遊 – 幾米
  19. 黑白異境 – 幾米
  20. 我的心中每天開出一朵花 – 幾米
  21. 照相本子 – 幾米
  22. 1.2.3.木頭人 – 幾米
  23. 我只能為你畫一張小卡片 – 幾米
  24. 布瓜的世界 – 幾米
  25. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up – Marie Kondo
  26. 幸運兒 – 幾米
  27. 你們我們他們 – 幾米
  28. 履歷表 – 幾米
  29. 遺失了一隻貓 – 幾米
  30. 地下鐵 – 幾米
  31. 小蝴蝶小披風 – 幾米
  32. 失樂園1-寂寞上場了 – 幾米
  33. 失樂園2-童年下雪了 – 幾米
  34. 失樂園3-祕密花開了 – 幾米
  35. 失樂園4-魔法失靈了 – 幾米
  36. 失樂園5-奇蹟迷路了 – 幾米
  37. 藍石頭 – 幾米
  38. 謝謝你毛毛兔,這個下午真好玩 – 幾米
  39. 戀之風景 – 幾米
  40. 我的錯都是大人的錯 – 幾米
  41. 幾米創作10年精選 – 幾米
  42. 幾米故事的開始 – 幾米
  43. 世界別為我擔心 – 幾米
  44. Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl
  45. Every Good Endeavor – Timothy Keller
  46. 如果我可以許一個願望 – 幾米
  47. 並不很久很久以前 – 幾米
  48. 豐子愷 – 鍾桂松
  49. Together is Better – Simon Sinek
  50. 真的假的啊? – 幾米
  51. 忘記親一下 = Kiss & goodbye – 幾米
  52. 係.香港人 係.香港故事 = Hong Kong stories / 101位係.香港人口述 – 香港故事Hong Kong Stories筆錄
  53. 我食鹽多過你食米 : 訪談10位長者的精彩人生 – [長者安居服務協會編著]
  54. The Joy of Less – Francine Jay (20180204)
  55. Jesus and Money – Ben Witherington III (20180228)
  56. Brick by Brick – David C. Robertson (20180326)
  57. Show Your Work! – Austin Kleon (20180507)
  58. Stuffocation – James Wallman (20180919)
  59. Let Your Life Speak – Parker J. Palmer (20180929)
  60. Goodbye, things – Fumio Sasaki (20181017)
  61. 千萬別搞錯信仰 – 蔡頌輝 (20190107)
  62. The Gift – Lewis Hyde (20190915)
  63. 快樂政治 – Cuson (201909)
  64. Drawing in Pen & Ink – Claudia Nice (202008)
  65. Creative Pen & Ink Techniques – Intro by Ian Sidaway (202008)
  66. How to save the world for free – Natalie Fee (202302)
  67. How to Avoid a Climate Disaster – Bill Gates (202302)
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