2 Months

Returned to HK for 2 months already. So many things have happened, mostly bad and immediate things that needed my attention but were beyond my control. After the sprinkler disaster at the studio just before LNY, we scheduled the contractor to replace all sprinkler heads on Wednesday. I felt a little relief immediately after the […]

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Hot, Busy, and Active Week

The hot weather warning seemed to be hoisted day and night nonstop for the entire week this past week. Read a news snippet about a pro-democracy member who’s still under detention (no air-con) and felt too drained to even pick up a pen to write letters. I empathize with the many ppl who are persecuted […]

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Website Updates

Have been working hard from home during this LNY holidays. Except for an evening run on Tue., calligraphy class on Thur. and a fellowship gathering on Sat. evening, I stayed home to work on some websites. I first had to cleanup and organize the MBP I bought during my summer vacation in Canada. When that’s […]

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A Good Week

The past week was probably the best week I had since returning to this city in mid-Sept. Took a day off on Wed. to visit the M+ Museum for the first time with a friend. Felt like a tourist in this city that seems to be getting more and more unfamiliar to me. Met and […]

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Helping Others While WFH

Some of my CNY postcard fai-chuns started arriving their North American destinations this past week. My friends started messaging me one by one the photos of the Blessed Sleeping Tigers, I was happy receiving their messages as much as they receiving my little pieces of art. The past week had been rather gloomy. Local pandemic […]

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A Time For Sorrow

There’s a time for joy and a time for sorrow. Following a happy reunion with my UW gang and coffee with the girl-I-like after more than a year of pandemic craziness, news of sickness and death started coming in from people around me. First, my colleague told me her husband’s intestinal cancer had metastasized into […]

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Back To School

Resumed my weekly calligraphy class after stopping a couple of months due to the pandemic. We went to have lunch with our 93 y/o ex-classmate after class, the six of us had to split into 3 tables due to the still effective social-distancing measures. Happy to see my elderly classmate and teacher both healthy and […]

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Boarding School Begins Again

Met up with some good old friends for lunch and exhibition seeing in TST. Last time we met was already back in Jan.! Good to be socializing again after nearly half a year of social distancing. After parting my friends, I took a stroll alone in TST reminiscing the days when I used to go […]

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Weekly Update…

Skipped a week of updates because I was too tired last Sunday after joining the city’s rally against the extradition to mainland rule. The rally had the largest number of protesters since the Umbrella Movement, there was a sense of hope I felt afterwards. But will our stubborn Government listen to their people? There are […]

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Weekly Update

The past week was filled with highs and lows: Woke up on Monday with a strong urge of going back to school and study landscape architecture, it had to do with the dream, but I couldn’t recall the faintest content. It felt like a calling from above and the more I thought about the possibility […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio