Sketch… Sunday Service

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44th Birthday

Took a day off on Mon to give myself the gift of time to do whatever I want for my 44th bday. I finally took the time to organize and display my growing series of critically endangered animal caricature paintings in my private living-room gallery. I’m not particularly fond of celebrating bdays, but I’m courteous […]

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“Single“ Again!

Though more or less expected, I was especially ecstatic yesterday morning when a single line on my rapid test reassured my recovery from COVID! I immediately told my fellowship caring group to let me join the scheduled dinner meetup! Stayed home the entire week without stepping outside. Took the opportunity to put in some finishing […]

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I finally tested positive for COVID today since the pandemic broke out in late 2019. Symptoms are mild – occasional coughs and chills. The symptoms actually started emerging after I did my evening run last Wed. Didn’t sleep very well that night and felt especially sore the next morning. I thought it was just caused […]

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100 Blessings (百福)

CNY will be very early this year. With the scarce time, I was debating whether to do the 100 Blessings (百福} art project again this year. I had many positive feedbacks from friends receiving the hand drawn postcard fai-chuns last year, some even framed it like precious artworks. And when I was visiting friends in […]

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Sketch… Sunday Service

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Another Packed Week

The past week was a packed but not as tiring week. Mon – a fellowship brother visited the studio after work because he needed some graphic design assistance for his upcoming wedding in Feb. The discussion was brief, but we had dinner together nearby and had a long chat on church, fellowship, and many personal […]

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Busy and Tiring Week

After slacking off the previous week, the past week had been relatively busy and tiring. Much of my time and effort was spent cleaning up the studio to prepare for some important guests to visit on Sat. Another large chunk of time was spent outside the studio to meet with friends and family, that included […]

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A Good Week

The past week was probably the best week I had since returning to this city in mid-Sept. Took a day off on Wed. to visit the M+ Museum for the first time with a friend. Felt like a tourist in this city that seems to be getting more and more unfamiliar to me. Met and […]

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Getting Better

Seems like I’m slowly getting out of the rut and finding interests in my work once again. Spent a lot of time in the past week trying to 3D print with filaments that was upcycled from bottle caps (HDPE). Had tens of failed prints and a few late nights of troubleshooting in the studio before […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio