3rd Marathon

First mission accomplished for the Q4 break away from the studio! I was seriously lacking practice for the marathon due to the past extremely hot and wet summer that prohibited many of my planned training. I was also unprepared. I entered the race with only 1 gel pack to replenish my energy during the long […]

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Procrastinating… 😖

There’s only a bit over a week left before my scheduled Q4 break. Had been working long hours each day this past week. Finally completed a 3D printing commission and had the prints delivered and paid for. Thankful for this first ever 3D modeling and printing opportunity, it boosted my confidence in persevering in this […]

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Super Typhoon Saola

The day after the rare super blue moon appeared, Super Typhoon started ravaging the city on Fri. morning, but I managed to sneak back to the studio in the early afternoon to do some work before the highest typhoon no. 10 signal was hoisted in the evening. The unexpected typhoon deterred many of my plans […]

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Still Progressing…

Made considerable progress on the 3DP Lego minifig project, should be able to complete the order this coming week! For my weekly long run practice, I only managed to complete a 10k run this week. Aiming to do a half-marathon this week, hopefully the weather and my body would cooperate. Didn’t need to go back […]

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Mid-Q3… Progressing

It had been a pretty busy week. Started an evening workshop on Tue to learn about making independent illustrated zines. I’m tinkering on the idea of making a small story book for KOKB. Two more lessons to go, will see whether my inkling will provide enough fuel for me to actually do the story book […]

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Back to Normal

Have had a considerably productive week at the studio. Finished setting up a new 3D printer and had been testing it nonstop. Took the opportunity to assess my inventory of 3DP filaments and printed out many DEXTER minifigs – my studio’s mascot. Also finished prototyping some scout minifigs and shown them to a potential client. […]

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Super Moon, Regular Week

Haven’t taken a good look at the night sky for a long long time, but the super moon was too prominent to ignore, couldn’t resist to snap a photo from my balcony. Once in a blue moon, I used a skillset acquired last quarter to carve a seal for my calligraphy classmate. I could have […]

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Tired Week

My sister’s family is visiting town, but I felt like I had seen enough of them already in Toronto last summer. My sister in HK and my mom had dinner with them separately, I declined the invitations and kept myself busy with work. Finished re-engineering my studio’s mascot, DEXTER, to use a more flexible frame […]

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Hot, Busy, and Active Week

The hot weather warning seemed to be hoisted day and night nonstop for the entire week this past week. Read a news snippet about a pro-democracy member who’s still under detention (no air-con) and felt too drained to even pick up a pen to write letters. I empathize with the many ppl who are persecuted […]

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Hot Week

It was a hot and muggy week. My biggest accomplishment at work was reviving my studio’s old Etsy shop to make available some hand-drawn artworks for online order. Not really expecting to make many sales, but happy that I was able to check off a Q2 task and wrap up one of my biggest projects […]

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  • OCT
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio