Funeral and Sickness

Went to the “funeral” of a dear elderly calligraphy classmate on Monday morning. We were classmates for 3 or 4 years before he stopped going to class prior to the pandemic due to deteriorating health and family matters. I still made an effort to visit him a couple of times during the pandemic and the […]

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One Month Left

Been back to Canada for 2 months, now left with just 1 month before returning to HK. In the past week or so, I had been experimenting with a few materials (bamboo skewers, straws, etc.) to prototype some products I had been dreaming up for a long time. Found the perfect sustainable material for my […]

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Time Flies

Seems like yesterday when I just arrived Toronto for this Q4 break. In fact, I’ve arrived here a full month already, that’s one third of this self-directed “co-op” term. So far I had completed a marathon and a personal calligraphy website project. Looked briefly into casual/part-time jobs, that made me more determined to start a […]

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44th Birthday

Took a day off on Mon to give myself the gift of time to do whatever I want for my 44th bday. I finally took the time to organize and display my growing series of critically endangered animal caricature paintings in my private living-room gallery. I’m not particularly fond of celebrating bdays, but I’m courteous […]

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Workshops, Postcards, and Meetup

Just realized that I had attended 3 workshops in the past week – DIY coffee grind soap on Mon, Chinese rubbing technique on Tue, and letterpress on Sat. Work-wise, I managed to complete the first couple batches of commissioned work – a total of 25 handwritten calligraphy postcards. Those activities have occupied the bulk of […]

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I finally tested positive for COVID today since the pandemic broke out in late 2019. Symptoms are mild – occasional coughs and chills. The symptoms actually started emerging after I did my evening run last Wed. Didn’t sleep very well that night and felt especially sore the next morning. I thought it was just caused […]

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Church/JF Reunion

Joined a fellowship’s brother’s wedding yesterday. The preparation began a few months ago when the groom-to-be asked for my help to design the ceremony rundown printout. It was the first time I saw the actual physical print yesterday morning when I was helping with the church decorations before the ceremony. It turned out better than […]

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Deep Work

After the government finally abandoned the useless vaccine pass restrictions near the end of 2022, I began using the public library system again. Just when I was in the process of making new year resolutions and planning my work for the new year, I borrowed and read a very useful book that was added to […]

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Had been slacking from work this past week. The most meaningful work I had done in the studio was reviving my ancient CNC machine that had been sitting collecting dust for I don’t know how many years. A friend visited the studio on Mon. afternoon, so I spent most of the day with him. Took […]

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Prepping For Social-Distancing

The city did not enter lockdown. In fact, for months our city had zero COVID cases recorded in the community thanks to one of the most stringent border quarantine controls and the mask-wearing norm of people in public. Despite ceasing the COVID spread in the community, the government continued to tighten the pandemic measures and […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio