Super Busy Week

Had a crazy busy week. Needed to go to my parents’ place for dinner on Monday to makeup for the missed usual one the night before due to my alcohol overdose episode. Had to meet up my plastic recycling friend in Kwai Chung on Wednesday to pass them my filament making machine and give them a demo on how to use it. And on Thursday morning, I met up with my paper cutting artist friend to pass her my “portable” laser cutter. Had the machine set up at her studio and gave her some basic instructions. I knew I had made the right decision of gifting her the not too expensive machine after seeing her brimming with excitement and showing me many ideas of things she had been dreaming to do!

Had to go home early on Thursday night to do some cleaning because my family had arranged a designer to visit the place the next afternoon. The place will be undergoing a complete facelift immediately after I move back to Canada.

Felt stressed and slept rather poorly throughout the week. There are still so many things I need to finish up but there’s so little time left before I leave the city for good. Just a few more stressful weeks to go before I can take a breather in Canada. Add oil and may God continue to guide my steps! 🙏🏻

Sketch… Sunday Service

More Farewells

Hastily finished up an experimental project with 3D printing movable type characters. Successfully printed the functional “stamps” as small as 28pt using a smaller 0.2 nozzle. Happily met up my studio neighbor, an old printing company that still has a huge archive of antique movable type characters, to show them the prototypes and also to have a farewell lunch before I move back to Canada. That was on Thursday, and it was only during our lunch conversations that I realized Friday was a public holiday.

Stayed home to do some cleanups on Friday.

Went back to the studio on Saturday afternoon to do a little work before meeting up some high school friends for a farewell dinner. They are friends I met in Canada, but surprisingly, I found out that I go to the same kindergarten with one of them in HK (although different grades), small world! Happy times, and I unknowingly over drank. Puked a few times and felt unwell the entire day on Sunday. Had to skip church and the usual dinner at my parents’ place. Can’t remember the last time I got this sick from alcohol consumption, definitely not a good feeling, need to remember not to do it again.

Farewells Have Begun

Though I still don’t know the exact date for my return to Canada, I have started organizing farewell meetups with friends. Some friends are out of town and will return in coming weeks. Good thing I had to postpone my trip again due to my sister’s upcoming trip later this week. With a couple of extra weeks, I should be able to meet up with a few more friends, clean up my home and work studio more thoroughly, and finish and handover some more projects to my colleague more properly. Add oil! 💪🏻

Sketch… Sunday Service

Still Prototyping…

A former client approached me to scale up a custom minifig I made for him about a year ago. I kinda got carried away and scaled up the LEGO minifig up to 10 times! At the other end of the scale, I started experimenting with a smaller 0.2 mm nozzle and successfully shrunk down DEXTER by half the size! Decided to try printing my recent prototypes of HK street signs using the different scales, that turned out to be a lot of fun.

Went out to Kwai Chung to help a plastic recycling friend set up a giant 3D printer. We got the printer running and printed its first sample object. Although the print quality was not too satisfactory, it can certainly be improved with more tuning and experience over time. It was a milestone and I can foresee future collaborations with him to print objects 3 to 4 times the size of what I’m capable of at my studio!

With less than one month to go for my return to Canada, I’m still prototyping and helping others instead of cleaning up and packing stuff. Luckily, my sister said she’ll be going to a week long trip with my brother-in-law in mid October, so I‘ll be postponing my trip yet again to late October. Had an informal family meeting with my parents and sister over dim sum on Friday and my plans seemed to have gotten final approval. That brought a little relief from the anxiety I’ve been feeling regarding the upcoming big changes.

May God continue to guide my steps and grant me peace in facing upcoming challenges. 🙏🏻

Sketch… Sunday Service


Went back to my parents’ place for dinner on Tuesday because it was Mid-Autumn and I hoped they wouldn’t feel too lonely on the festive day. My parents were arguing over little things throughout dinner. The argument didn’t stop as they drove me home after dinner. I felt miserable seeing my parents bickering like that. Will they be alright after I move back to Canada in less than a month? Worried, but it’s beyond my control other than leaving the matter to God in my prayers.

Wednesday was a public holiday and I spent the day at home to finish some designs for my calligraphy work to serve as reference materials and also farewell gifts for my Chinese calligraphy class and other friends.

Continued cleaning my house and studio. My brother-in-law drove me to work on Friday so that I can bring back a mini 3D printer to the studio. Spent the entire afternoon at home on Saturday to clean up the apartment. Finally got to clearing out the mountain of waste (mostly cardboard packaging) in the living room. Dropped off the waste to a nearby recycling station in three trips. Felt accomplished and relieved after successfully tackling the heap of trash that had been sitting in the living room for years! After some hard work this week, I think I’m about 80% done cleaning up my apartment and work studio! Much more to do in coming weeks. 💪🏻

Sketch… Sunday Service

Before I Go Back to Canada…

Finished off my PP (Plant pots & Polypropylene) recycling project with more 3D printing tests and one last IG post. Cleaned up the studio mess resulting from the project and packed up many empty spools to pass to a friend who will hopefully be able to make many spools of recycled plastic filaments after I move back to Canada.

“Before I go back to Canada…” has become somewhat of a catch phrase in my daily conversations. There’s just about a month left and there’s still plenty of things I need to finish up. Glad that I at least was able to complete the PP Recycling project with satisfying results. A friend managed to find time to visit the studio for the first time before she flew to Canada for a business trip. The timing was good and I was able to show her the PP Recycling project before I try to turn that into a sustainable business after I move back to Canada.

Joined my fellowship for dinner yesterday. It wasn’t a farewell dinner per se, but I thought it might as well be as I doubt it will be possible to organize another meet up with so many b&s before I return to Canada. Will see how things go and how many friends I can meet and properly say farewell to in a month’s time.

  • OCT
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  • 723 Studio