End of Q1

Many things seem to be ending in March before the start of a new fiscal year. I asked a friend out for lunch on Monday at my primary school friend’s fancy Japanese restaurant in TST because it will be closing in coming weeks. While being outside away from my usual locality, I decided to venture […]

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Time Flies

Seems like yesterday when I just arrived Toronto for this Q4 break. In fact, I’ve arrived here a full month already, that’s one third of this self-directed “co-op” term. So far I had completed a marathon and a personal calligraphy website project. Looked briefly into casual/part-time jobs, that made me more determined to start a […]

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KOKB Launched!

Ran the last mile and felt relieved after finally launching a website I had been working on since LNY holidays. The site is far from perfect, sometimes it doesn’t even load at all, but it’s a WIP and should be good enough at this stage. The site can be found here: KOKB.site The web project […]

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Bye Bye Friend

After a short ~10 days stay at my apartment, I farewelled my Canadian friend off to his next destination on early Friday morning. Thanks to his visit, I finally cleaned up my apartment, a task that was scheduled before LNY but was put off due to busyness and my never ending excuses at the time. […]

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“Single“ Again!

Though more or less expected, I was especially ecstatic yesterday morning when a single line on my rapid test reassured my recovery from COVID! I immediately told my fellowship caring group to let me join the scheduled dinner meetup! Stayed home the entire week without stepping outside. Took the opportunity to put in some finishing […]

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I finally tested positive for COVID today since the pandemic broke out in late 2019. Symptoms are mild – occasional coughs and chills. The symptoms actually started emerging after I did my evening run last Wed. Didn’t sleep very well that night and felt especially sore the next morning. I thought it was just caused […]

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Back to Work

A little reluctant, but I went back to work on Wed. (Feb. 1st) as promised after an extended LNY holiday. Didn’t get a lot done at the studio other than wrapping up the 100 Blessings postcard fai-chuns project and cleaning up the messy art area. Also had a long lunch on Fri. with a friend […]

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Website Updates

Have been working hard from home during this LNY holidays. Except for an evening run on Tue., calligraphy class on Thur. and a fellowship gathering on Sat. evening, I stayed home to work on some websites. I first had to cleanup and organize the MBP I bought during my summer vacation in Canada. When that’s […]

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1 Month of WFH

Have been working from home since early Feb. In one month’s time, I managed to get back into doing some web programming work and was able to complete 4 website update projects. After launching the final website late last night, I felt extra relaxed. With a lightened mood, I took my time to slowly stroll […]

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Work From Home (cont’d)

Continued my second week of working from home. Never stepped outside the apartment from Monday to Friday (likely my personal record). The only person I saw was my sister next door delivering me a couple cans of egg rolls. After updating this personal website the week before, I kept on doing more web work and […]

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  • OCT
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio