More Farewells

Hastily finished up an experimental project with 3D printing movable type characters. Successfully printed the functional “stamps” as small as 28pt using a smaller 0.2 nozzle. Happily met up my studio neighbor, an old printing company that still has a huge archive of antique movable type characters, to show them the prototypes and also to […]

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Went back to my parents’ place for dinner on Tuesday because it was Mid-Autumn and I hoped they wouldn’t feel too lonely on the festive day. My parents were arguing over little things throughout dinner. The argument didn’t stop as they drove me home after dinner. I felt miserable seeing my parents bickering like that. […]

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End of Q1

Many things seem to be ending in March before the start of a new fiscal year. I asked a friend out for lunch on Monday at my primary school friend’s fancy Japanese restaurant in TST because it will be closing in coming weeks. While being outside away from my usual locality, I decided to venture […]

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Back to Work

Returned to work on Wed. after a much needed LNY holiday to rest. Slept a lot during the holidays and managed to complete drawing all 100 postcard fai-chuns for the year of the 🐉. Mailed out most of them to my friends in Canada. Saw my fai-chuns displayed at a few small shops near the […]

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LNY 2024

Completed my annual fai-chun writing exercise on Wednesday. Wrote more than 100 fai-chuns this year in total, a personal record. Worked till around 10pm on Thursday because I didn’t want to go back to the studio on Friday. Prepared and brought home all the things I needed to work on the annual 100 postcard fai-chun […]

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Calligraphy and Meetups

Completed the last batch of commissioned handwritten calligraphy postcards. Thankful that the revenue from the commission was more than enough to cover the cost of the batch of expensive handmade recycled paper that I bought to show support for a local paper artisan. I even had extras to put back into my personal art fund […]

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After more than a week of gloomy days, the sun was finally spotted today before it sank below the horizon. This weather is actually a good reminder of Easter in that it was all gloom and doom when Jesus was nailed on the cross, and it wasn’t until the resurrection that light and hope finally […]

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Back to Work

A little reluctant, but I went back to work on Wed. (Feb. 1st) as promised after an extended LNY holiday. Didn’t get a lot done at the studio other than wrapping up the 100 Blessings postcard fai-chuns project and cleaning up the messy art area. Also had a long lunch on Fri. with a friend […]

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LNY 2023 🐇

Worked till around 11pm on Friday before closing the studio for an extended LNY holidays. Managed to finish the annual 100 Blessings (百福) art project at home the next day on LNY’s eve. Feel relieved and satisfied to have taken up this challenge and completed it in just a little over a week! My rewards […]

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100 Blessings (百福)

CNY will be very early this year. With the scarce time, I was debating whether to do the 100 Blessings (百福} art project again this year. I had many positive feedbacks from friends receiving the hand drawn postcard fai-chuns last year, some even framed it like precious artworks. And when I was visiting friends in […]

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  • OCT
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio