Being somewhat of an introvert, I sometimes feel exhausted after social events. I’m more at ease doing things solo. But after months of adhering to social distancing rules, I’m starting to feel exhausted, lacking motivation and patience, and easily irritated. Perhaps I’m finally feeling what many experts are calling pandemic-fighting fatigue (抗疫疲勞). February also heightened […]
The past week was filled with ups and downs. Started the community marathon training on Tue, first taste of real exercise since my last run back in Jan/Feb, exhausted but felt good. (Up) Met and caught up with a couple of friends on Mon and Thu separately. I’ve been proactively meeting up friends in the […]
1/2 Work From Home (Week 2)
Continued my alternate days of working from home this week. Continued indulging in ink art while at home. One of the books on ink art I borrowed from the library earlier turned out to be really good and got me interested in pen and ink art again. Work wise, I got excited when contacted for […]
Second Wave
Our city’s number of confirmed COVID-19 cases had seen a second wave of surge this past week due to an influx of travelers returning from more inflicted countries. Experts are urging people to continue practicing social distancing. Looks like I’ll be sticking with my isolation routine for at least 2 more weeks. It’s not easy, […]
6 Months of Protest
Joined another city protest with my sister and brother-in-law yesterday. It has been 6 months of social unrest since the 1-million-people strong peaceful protest on June 9th. The controversial extradition bill was finally withdrawn in September, but the uncountable protests in the past 6 months had revealed many more issues in our city including government […]
Goodbye 2015 x 1/2
Feeling low lately. Reviewing the first half of 2015, time seems to have just flown by silently, what have I done in exchange of the precious time I’ll never claim back? After recovering from major illness in the beginning of the year, I promised myself and God that I’ll better manage my time and live […]
3 Year Anniversary
Today marks the 3rd anniversary of me returning to HK, time really flies. I was 30 when I came back, and now I’m 33. Jesus carried out His master salvation plan when He was my age. Look at me, what have I done in these 3 years? I’ve leisurely finished a MSc. degree to study […]
Not sure if it’s the heat, or maybe sin just had its way on me, I seemed to have become annoyed with a lot of things in the last couple of days. I was talking unusually loud to my parents during our family dim sum this afternoon and during dinner. We were talking about politics, […]
Morning Devotion
Woke up slightly earlier this morning and did my daily devotion. This is what I read today: “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). […]