LEGO Inspirations

I’ve been toying around with LEGO again since working on upgrading my studio’s mascot a month or so ago. Strolled through the LEGO store a few weeks back after my calligraphy class and found one of the recently released botanical series to be on sale. I couldn’t resist and bought the big box set, first […]

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Procrastinating (still)

Made considerable progress on my mini letterpress prototype, will need a week or more to finish the prototype for friends to test. Just sparked up a few cool ideas recently about products that I can potentially collaborate with friends even after I move back to Canada, will do some prototypes and discuss with friends in […]

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Besides joining a short Chinese book-binding workshop on Friday evening, I had kept myself busy this past week designing a small letterpress kit. I thought of an ingenious way of doing the traditional movable type. Should be able complete a functional prototype for friends to test in coming weeks! The deadline I set for myself […]

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Procrastinating… 😖

There’s only a bit over a week left before my scheduled Q4 break. Had been working long hours each day this past week. Finally completed a 3D printing commission and had the prints delivered and paid for. Thankful for this first ever 3D modeling and printing opportunity, it boosted my confidence in persevering in this […]

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Weekly Update

This week flew by rather quickly, here are some highlights…  The weekly Monday afternoon volunteering with the elderly was canceled, I decided to go watch a movie (I Can Only Imagine) which turned out to be one of the most inspiring movies I’ve seen for quite some time! Had coffee roasting class in the evening. […]

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Procrastination Before Vacation

In preparation for my upcoming long vacation, I have been procrastinating in the last couple of weeks trying to get things done so that I could have a worry-free break.  Managed to finish up work and head home for mid-autumn dinner with my parents tonight.  Rested a little and napped a couple of hours before […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio