Finished the studio cleanup just in time for some studio visits this past week. A brother from church whom I met recently visited on Monday afternoon. After the visit, I treated him afternoon tea and visited his office since it’s only 10 min walk from mine! An old CUHK classmate, who’s now an associate professor at a local university, visited the studio with her student on Thursday evening. Didn’t have too much to show them beyond what they could explore at their university facilities, so the visit was considerably short. I treated them dinner afterwards to thank them for their visit amidst the sweltering heat. In preparation for these and future studio visits, I made some customized souvenirs using my previous calligraphy work of the visitors’ surnames.
Besides the two studio visits, I had dinner with a few fellowship brothers to celebrate one of the guys’ bday on Monday. In retrospect, the week was a bit too social for an introvert like myself.
Tuesday was my studio’s 10th anniversary, I took the opportunity to do some gardening at work.
The Olympic Games had begun during the weekend. I managed to stay up to watch the amazing final of Vivian Kong winning the city’s first fencing gold medal! I joined my university alumni group to play some friendly badminton on Sunday evening. The last time I played was already about a year ago. My muscles are still sore while I’m writing up this post, but it’s good to get a healthy dose of exercise every now and then.