Picking Up Pace

Picked up my pace in clearing out my apt. Finally moved all the acrylic paintings I’ve done at home to the studio. My colleague and studio visitors seemed to love the cute colorful series that is quite different than my usual brush-and-ink style. Besides paintings, I also organized my clothings and had 3 bags of […]

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After 5 weekly classes, I said good bye to my seal carving teacher and classmate on Thur night. Though I probably wouldn’t recommend the instructor to others, I did learn from him what’s needed to carve my own seals for a recent project. During my calligraphy class that afternoon, my teacher said he’ll hand down […]

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LNY 2023 🐇

Worked till around 11pm on Friday before closing the studio for an extended LNY holidays. Managed to finish the annual 100 Blessings (百福) art project at home the next day on LNY’s eve. Feel relieved and satisfied to have taken up this challenge and completed it in just a little over a week! My rewards […]

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Loving Vincent

Finally watched Loving Vincent this early morning (9am)!  I actually woke up at around 4:30am and couldn’t fall back to sleep, too excited?  I was able to finish my regular morning routine (i.e. breakfast & newspaper & devotion (sometimes)), then running practice and shower at home before heading out for the cinema.  A very productive […]

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Creative Monday

Finished my Monday evening barista classes last week, back to the luxury of freely indulging in creative things that fills the empty part of my soul on this Creative Monday! Watched a documentary of one of my favourite artists – Vincent Van Gogh.  Learnt that he dabbled in many different jobs before settling into a career […]

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Meaning of Life?

My uncle’s (father’s younger brother) liver cancer has relapsed and my aunt was told to prepare for the worst.  It’s time like this that makes me stop and question about the meaning of life. Just when I was starting to procrastinate about the many things still unfinished before the end of the year, my uncle’s news […]

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Movies and Dreams

After the exhausting craft fair on the Sept. 10th weekend, I thought about going on a short vacation to re-energize myself before getting busy again for the new Fall “co-op term”, but abandoned the idea as I don’t know how to justify the cost of going alone and without a purpose.  Did a brief stay-cation […]

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Time, a concept that warrants timeless debates/discussions/contemplations. I’m still not quite completely recovered from my emotional low, the constant depressing news (both locally and globally) seems to have lengthened the recovery process.  Rather than pushing myself to recover from the blues with mindless and endless work, I decided to take it slow and use all […]

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For 2 consecutive nights, I’ve held a little social gathering with friends at my studio.  It all started spontaneously on Friday when my friends suggested meeting up after their dinner with friends nearby, it just so happened that there were no fellowship that night, and I couldn’t think of a better place to meetup than […]

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Parents were out for a dinner banquet, I decided to go for a movie on my own. Watched a movie that had been on for quite some time because a few of my friends recommended it. It was based on a true story about a Reverend whose 4 yr old son had a vivid heaven […]

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  • OCT
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio