Back On Track

After a bit of struggling with my own will power, and when I was just about to leave home for my second weekly running practice yesterday evening, my Fitbit watch couldn’t be turned on. I didn’t want to run my planned 10K practice without the watch to track my time and heart rate, so I […]

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Social Week

Received a very thoughtful Christmas mail from a very sweet friend in Canada early this past week. Another friend in US asked for my updated address to send his yearly greetings. I’m truly grateful to be in the mind of friends during the holiday seasons. Without them, I may have forgotten it was already December!! […]

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Sketch… Sunday Service

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Sketch… Sunday Service

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A Time For Sorrow

There’s a time for joy and a time for sorrow. Following a happy reunion with my UW gang and coffee with the girl-I-like after more than a year of pandemic craziness, news of sickness and death started coming in from people around me. First, my colleague told me her husband’s intestinal cancer had metastasized into […]

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A Packed Week

Joined my fellowship b/s for lunch on Tue. after my calligraphy class. Went to see a movie on Wed. with some fellowship brothers. It’s good that they still didn’t seem to see me as an outsider even though I stopped joining my Friday night fellowship since the pandemic started more than a year ago. The […]

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Commemorative Week

Didn’t pick up my social activities as planned this past week. Was also hoping to pick up my regular jogging habit again, but the week had been mostly gloomy with scattered showers, will try again his week. The past week had been filled with news regarding the 32nd candlelight vigil commemorating the Tiananmen Square Massacre. […]

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Website Refreshed

Haven’t posted any updates for a couple of weeks because I got stuck while refreshing this website. It’s been too long since I last did any web programming, so backing up, refreshing, debugging, and relaunching this personal blog took a lot longer than I planned. With my little online space cleaned and renewed, I’ll likely […]

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Easter Monday

Through a flyer I came across after strolling around a christian bookstore, I discovered and signed up for an art jamming session on this Creative Monday.  I’ve been wanting to try out art jamming and learn to paint with acrylics for many years, but passed many opportunities due to timing and cost.  Today’s art jamming session […]

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Another Week

I did get more serious with work this week as I promised myself.  I migrated the church’s website (DEMO) to their existing web host, completed the change requests for the only web project I have on hand, and mocked up a poster design for church’s upcoming evangelical meeting.  I got a little proud and started […]

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  • OCT
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio