Back On Track

After a bit of struggling with my own will power, and when I was just about to leave home for my second weekly running practice yesterday evening, my Fitbit watch couldn’t be turned on. I didn’t want to run my planned 10K practice without the watch to track my time and heart rate, so I […]

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Green Building

Read the <<Green Building Award 2010>> earlier, nice to see green buildings gaining momentum.  Also skimmed through the BEAM+ documents in the last couple of days in preparation for a workshop starting this weekend, I can see how these certification schemes can suck the life out of architects’ imagination and creativity – luring them to […]

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Green Wall

Had a chance to visit a large indoor green wall installation designed by Patrick Blanc tonight.  I wasn’t as excited as I thought I would be, but it’s still a very pleasant experience.  I want to experiment with a small version of this green wall in my studio later, without using artificial lights of course! […]

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Borrowed this book when I was researching for my paper, but didn’t have a chance to read it until recently.  There is so much potential in introducing vegetation into the urban fabric in the form of green roofs, green walls, balcony plantings, courtyards, etc.  Sometimes I ponder about pursuing a career in landscape design to […]

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Greening My Studio IV

Continuing my long quest in greening my studio, I’ve spent much of my day pruning and potting plants.  A new member to the miniature rock garden is a dwarf Christmas tree, it should be interesting seeing it mature Christmas after Christmas. The weather is still cold today, temperature never went above 10 degrees.  Went out […]

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Recently all that I can think of are the two assignments that I aim to finish before the end of the month.  My sleeps were often interrupted by vivid dreams and were not as revitalizing, a sign of procrastination and stress. So it felt quite refreshing when I made time to see the proposals for […]

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HKGBC Conference

Took an excursion to the full-day annual HKGBC Conference today. It was rather boring most of the time, but I felt quite refreshing to be outside of my studio leaving my papers/books and computer behind. Perhaps I’ve spent way too much time at home recently.  I really should go out more often.

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Had been in search of a new bible after finished reading The Message, and unexpectedly, I found this peculiar version – The Green Bible!  It is  the New Revised Standard Version with scriptures concerning “Green” topics highlighted and discussed.  What a wonderful idea! “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very […]

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How great would it be if we Homosapiens can live in harmony with nature like the natives?  We civilized non-natives tend to study nature from afar and regard it as nothing more than natural resources to be consumed.  In stark contrast, early indigenous people were careful observant of nature, they dwell and lived off of […]

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Sat in on a seminar about Grass today.  Didn’t realize we humans depend so much on grass until now – more than 45% of our diet’s calorific value comes from it (rice, wheat, barley,…)!  Furthermore, grass can be used to make paper, herbal medicine, oil, furniture, construction materials, etc.  And the fastest growing plant that […]

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  • OCT
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio