3 Year Anniversary

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of me returning to HK, time really flies.  I was 30 when I came back, and now I’m 33.  Jesus carried out His master salvation plan when He was my age.  Look at me, what have I done in these 3 years?

I’ve leisurely finished a MSc. degree to study something I enjoy but not very relevant to what I do.  In terms of work, I’ve completed a number of small freelance projects, but could hardly pay off my expenses.  Thought about starting a business with friends, garnered a lot of enthusiasm and interests, but lost steam mainly due to my sluggishness.  In terms of spiritual life, I’ve pretty much settled in the church my sister attends, and was thankfully given many opportunities to serve God with the gifts He had given me.  However, I still often do things I know He wouldn’t approve – I would sin, confess, and then sin again.

Oh God, please forgive me for not better spend the 3 years you had given me.  Sorry for letting you down often.  Please oh Lord, be merciful and don’t give up on me.  I had seen your guidance in my academic work, my career, and my spiritual life in the past 3 years, please continue to lead and guide me in the next 3 years, continue to mold me and use me for Your works, serving others and glorifying Your name.  Let me live my life to the fullest, just like the way You intended.

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