RoboArm and House Cleanup

After a couple of days of studio work, I managed to make the RoboArm kit come alive! With the stepper motors and end stops now under control, the next step will be to hack the code and program the RoboArm kit to do something useful. I’ll spare this fun for a later time as there […]

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CNY 2022

Mailed out the last batch of the hundred Blessed Sleeping Tiger (躺平福虎) postcard fai-chuns yesterday, now just have a few to deliver in person later. Still have about 10 of the postcard fai-chuns to spare. I was hoping to give them out as gifts when I meet up with friends during the CNY holidays, but […]

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100 Blessings

Started the mini art project of drawing 100 Blessed Sleeping Tigers (躺平福虎) on handmade paper. Finished drawing half of them, will start mailing out the postcard fai-chuns tomorrow. Contacted many old friends to get their mailing addresses and the 4-letter fai-chun greetings they liked me to write. This mini art project turned out to be […]

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Sketch… Sunday Service

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Sketch… Sunday Service

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Self Isolation

The world continues to spiral down the seemingly bottomless COVID-19 pit with US now leading the plunge. Worldwide, over 1 million ppl is now infected by the virus with over 65 thousand deaths recorded. This overwhelming casualty is unprecedented in my lifetime. The rising death toll numbers continue to numb my senses. I don’t really […]

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Sketch… Sunday Morning On The Road

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Keep Running

Made an effort to continue my running practice this morning while the weather still permits.  I’ve always been thankful for the luxury to flexibly schedule my working hours, it’s rather pleasurable to be able to run and sweat in the morning before getting busy with the day. Recently, the luxury to run in the morning […]

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Creative Monday

Went to the cruise terminal in the afternoon to find a little peace and quiet.  Read Ecclesiastes, my favourite book in the bible.  Memorised a couple of verses: “So I decided that there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work.  Then I realized that these pleasures are from […]

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First Run since May

Was notified last week that I got in to the city half-marathon race in coming February.  Feeling the urgency to shape up, I forced myself to get up early today and did my first run since May!  Slowly jogged about 2.3k and was still able to catch my breath afterwards.  Not too bad I suppose?  Guess […]

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  • JUL
    S M T W T F S
  • 723 Studio