Daily Archives: Sep 9, 2014

Mid-Autumn Holiday


Slept till around 11am, had half a mooncake and coffee for breakfast. Was thinking about taking a stroll in the mall, but worried about the crowd, ended up spending the afternoon in the studio to catch up some TV shows.

Played soccer at night. It has been weeks since I had done any exercise, my muscles seemed a bit tense, so I played somewhat casually and carefully so as not to hurt myself.

The politics in this city seems to have reached the threshold since China had set a strict framework for 2017 election, negating any form of democracy. This noisy city is becoming even louder. As much as I hate politics, I’m disgusted by our current government, there were lies, threats, and injustice. But what can a humble little citizen do? Trying to find a piece of heaven in this city seems like chasing after the wind…

In one of the TV shows I watched this afternoon, a mother tried to persuade her son not to continue his political path, “Why fight the battle when you know you’ll lose?” she said. I asked myself a similar question during the soccer game – “Why play hard when you know you’ll lose?”… I just know someday someone will answer “why live when you know you will die!”

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