Daily Archives: Jan 3, 2012

New Year’s Resolution 2012

A review of my last year’s resolution revealed that I’ve only completed 4/10 of my resolutions, a failing grade.  I wouldn’t consider it a total failure though as many items were still in progress or on the verge of completion.

I still insist on making my New Year’s Resolution this year because “…the trouble with not having a goal is that it’s like spending your life running up and down the field without scoring…” – Internet.  So here’s my list of resolutions this year:

  1. Start a company.
  2. Make my career (full time + freelance) profitable.
  3. Read another version of the Bible.
  4. Continue to pray for my parents (weekly).
  5. Start a habit of praying before meals.
  6. Rid of my bad habit.
  7. Complete a 10K run within 55 minutes.
  8. Reach and maintain 55% win/loss percentage for my badminton practices.
  9. Improve my freethrow percentage to 70%.
  10. Keep all my resolutions!

I pray that God would give me the wisdom,  health, and perseverance to attain these goals.  2012 seemed like it will be a critical metamorphic year in my life.

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