It was a super hot and muggy week. I started going back to work earlier in the morning for the sake of AC. After completing the custom chop for the studio’s new “resident artist”, I started prototyping some postcard-sized calligraphy artwork which I hope to make available online in coming weeks.
Today marks the 34th anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre. As expected, the annual candlelight vigil at Victoria Park was banned once again. Many people who attempted to commemorate the tragedy in public were arrested. One of the organizers of the annual vigil started a 34-hour hunger strike while under detention and was further punished as a result. Many government officials and public figures who once proudly protested the mainland’s bloody authoritarian regime and wished to bring justice, democracy, and freedom to the country now stand to oppose the activists who persisted in their belief. Some were even too coward to mention June 4th and refer the date as simply a “special day”.
It’s depressing to witness the city deteriorating so rapidly. Knowing there’s nothing I can offer to deter the situation felt powerless and hopeless. At times I would even feel afraid to voice out my opinions before friends whom I wasn’t certain of their political stance. This suppression, plus the aforementioned depression, powerlessness, and hopelessness make it especially challenging to stay mentally sane in this city. The super hot weather and the crowded environment made the situation even worse.
Oh God, I desperately need You, pls help me survive and strive in this deteriorating city. Pls continue to lead and guide my steps forward. 🙏🏻