While having my breakfast and catching up on my daily news on Tuesday morning, a loud explosion was heard in the kitchen. Checked and found the glass lid of my months-old multifunctional electric pot completely shattered. The shocking part was that the appliance had been unplugged and left idling on top of the fridge for days when it happened!! What could have caused this? Resonance? Electrostatic buildup?
Other than the mystery explosion, this past week was relatively plain. I made steady progress in improving my stamina after the community running clinic was resumed a few weeks ago. In terms of work, I also made steady progress on one of my Sabbatical projects which involves designing and prototyping some Shiguru Ban inspired papertube furnitures. Should be able to make a functional prototype for my home this week. Have been teaching myself a new 3D design software for about a month while working on the self-initiated project, used it to design and render an umbrella handle for my brother’s friend’s company, the result amazed him and myself!
I seem to be finding satisfaction through my work, but life still seems rather joyless these days. I still enjoy experimenting with culinary arts, but I seem to be having a hard time enjoying the food when I think about the tasteless food many innocent people are being treated in detention centers or prison. I’m thankful for God’s grace on keeping me and my family safe and healthy, yet it’s really tough to crack a smile while witnessing all the injustice in the city.
Let me end this post with one of Ecclesiastes’ themes – “It’s meaningless, everything is meaningless!”