One of my biggest accomplishments this past week was getting many issues related to my borrowed car resolved. Got the garage remote from my landlord on Monday morning. Got the car’s safety inspection done on Thursday. And it was only after completing the safety inspection and talking to the friend who lent me the car that I realized he didn’t just want to lend me his car, he actually wanted me to keep it! According to my friend, the car is very old (17 years) and of zero value even to the dealership. Even so, having access to a functioning car in this vast city will be of great help for me at this point, especially when the temperature continues to fall and snow starting to accumulate! I’m truly grateful to this childhood friend.
Over the weekend, I scrambled to buy auto insurance online, this was done so that I can complete the official vehicle transfer process in coming days.
It’s kinda funny that I actually “bought” a car before I have permanent housing and parking. This was unplanned, but worked out perfectly. My friend was happy that I can keep his old but cherished car alive, and I was happy that I didn’t need to pay expensive car rental until I’m settled with permanent housing, win-win!
With the access of a car, I started going to Sunday Service again this morning. Went back to my home church in TO and was happy to see many familiar and welcoming faces. And the happiest of all was to be able to meet and chat with an old fellowship brother who had a serious stroke early this year. I had been praying earnestly for him nearly everyday in HK since the incident, and I was quite relieved seeing him being able to walk (with a cane) and talk (legibly) today. Thank God!