Lost and Found

IMG_4683Had been worrying all night that I may have dropped my keys on the street yesterday.  There was nothing I could do until the next morning and I knew worrying wouldn’t help the matter one bit.  Prayed, helped a little, but still didn’t sleep too well throughout the night.

I can’t describe how happy I was finding the keys in the studio today!  This song had been ringing in my head all day “… I once was lost, but now I’m found… how sweet the sound…”

I also recall the biblical story of the prodigal son and how happy his father was seeing him return home after wasting all his money.  And there’s also the story of the shepherd who left his 99 sheep in the pen and then go out to search for that one lost sheep.  How happy he was when he found it!  Finding my keys today helped me understand a little better of how God must feel when we leave our sinful lives behind and return to Him.

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